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One Night, Two Great Films

No plans for the evening of September 9? Check out one of Milwaukee’s two great institutions for a night of environmental education and thought-provoking discussion. Hope to see you there!

Urban Ecology Center – “Symphony of the Soil”

Riverside Park Branch – 6 – 8 p.m.

“Celebrate the International Year of Soil with us! Using a captivating mix of art and science, “Symphony of the Soil” shows us why we should care about and appreciate the complex and dynamic nature of this precious resource. The film also examines our human relationship with soil, the use and misuse of soil in agriculture, deforestation and development, and the latest scientific research on soil’s key role in ameliorating the most challenging environmental issues of our time.” Click here for event details.

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee – “Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story”

Union Cinema – 7 – 9 p.m.

“Nearly 50 percent of food, worth billions of dollars, is discarded in North America each year. The film explores our nation’s obsession with expiration dates and perfect produce, ultimately revealing the devastating consequences of our habits across the globe. Filmmakers Grant Baldwin and Jen Rustemeyer pledge to quit grocery shopping cold turkey and survive only on foods that would otherwise be thrown away with unexpected consequences. Bringing farmers, retailers, inspiring organizations, consumers and passionate experts to the table, “Just Eat It” shares an educational and entertaining cinematic story for everyone to digest.” Click here for event details.

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