New Location – Garden District!
YIPPEEE!!!! We’ve moved, cleaned up the landscaping (ahem) “leftovers,” and are ready to build compost bins at our new site. Come join Saturday, November 7th 10AM – 1PM. The new spot is on the corner of S. 6th Street & W. Waterford Ave. in Milwaukee’s Garden District. Mask up and see our new home. Want to help build? With COVID-19 and #SaferAtHome we are
Riverwest Compost Bins – Closed Indefinitely
UPDATE October 2020: With input from the gardeners and land stewards of the Milwaukee Friends Meeting location, the Kompost Kids volunteers made the decision to close the Riverwest compost bins indefinitely. Despite being closed over the summer, folks kept adding to the pile – which made it really hard on the volunteers to safely finish off the process. Community compost bins only work when
Bay View Kompost Site Help!
As of March 15th, 2020, the Bay View Kompost site is closed and we cannot accept any of your food scraps (or anything else) until we find a new home. We hope our community is staying well and finding some outdoor earth-loving time in this uncertainty. We are also craving some normalcy for when we can emerge together — so acknowledge how strange