Turning Scraps into Plants
Kompost Kids Inc is an all-volunteer organization. Some of our most favorite volunteers are the plants that spontaneously grow or regrow in our compost piles. We frequently see potatoes and especially onions sprout new roots and new leaves in our contribution bins. Squash flourish in the finished compost piles. Plants thrive around us, and so we thought it would be fun to try to grow
Compost Tourism
A few weeks ago, during our Saturday turning at River West’s Scooter Foundation Community Garden, we were gratified to receive our first authentic compost tourist, an energetic staffer from Wellspring Farm, who wanted to see how the Kompost Kids did compost in Milwaukee while visiting for the weekend. It was cold and snowy, so we worked quickly and got the job done. In the
Going Residential in 2015
The United Nations declared 2015 International Year of the Soils, and we are getting geared up for some exciting new initiatives in soil regeneration, bringing more black gold to the Milwaukee area. We’ve worked successfully with small businesses, we’ve partnered with schools and community gardens, and now we are taking the compost gospel to the neighborhoods we call home. We want to start by
Growing Power Conference Success
The Kompost Kids recently joined Growing Power staff in representing best practices in urban composting and soil improvement projects in Milwaukee and Chicago and offered advice to a diverse audience of conference attendees from all over the country. Growing Power’s third National-International Urban Agriculture & Small Farm Conference covered a vast amount of territory, ranging from lectures on local power production (literally empowering communities), food justice
Spring Training for Composters
Sign up now for spring offerings in our education series. The Milwaukee County UW-Extension and Kompost Kids are pleased to offer Master Composter Volunteer Training. This program is a statewide educational program developed and coordinated through the UW-Extension Solid & Hazardous Waste Education Center (SHWEC). The objective of the Master Composter program is to train individuals who want to become Certified Master Composters and
We’re Thawing Out
Spring is getting closer, and we’re gradually thawing out. Due to the consistent extreme cold we experienced this winter, several of our sites reached capacity and remained frozen solid for several weeks running, leaving us unable to do turnings or make room for new material. As the bins thaw out in the next few weeks, we’ll be adding to our resting piles, encouraging gardeners
2014 Dirt Day
The Kompost Kids mission includes providing donated and discounted compost/soil products to qualifying community gardens in the Milwaukee area. Contact us for more information on how we can benefit your urban agriculture project. Our 2014 compost application and Dirt Day announcement are now online. Please help us spread the word. We will collect applications through April 7, evaluate potential recipients, and announce the winning garden