New Page! #MKENoWaste
Think about your trash To go through the “WHY” behind taking steps toward zero-waste, which is built into Kompost Kids and The Bay View Bash missions, we made a whole page for it! Check out the stats and infographics here. To get you pumped, here are a couple of stats.
Make it a Kompost Kids Holiday
Beat the Black Friday blues by skipping it altogether and outfit your family and friends in Kompost Kids tee shirts this holiday season. Our supporters know that our operating budget comes from the small courier fees we charge from our sponsor businesses and grant money. We are a frugal enterprise, to be sure, but we are always looking for ways to boost our reach,
Field Trip the Farm
Original Post 2015. 2018 Edit: The Farm rebranded in 2017 with a new name, Blue Ribbon Organics, keeping the same great partnership and service. The Kompost Kids’ partnership with Blue Ribbon Organics (formerly The Farm) in Caledonia goes back nearly to our founding. For years, they have helped us finish our rough compost into a fine-screened soil product suitable for large-scale donations to new community
Bay View Bash Diverts Literally a Ton
Let us take this belated opportunity to extend a ton-size thank you to all our awesome volunteers who made this year’s Bay View Bash a smashing success. We diverted over 2,020 pounds of organics from the all-day street festival, more than doubling last year’s yield. We couldn’t have done it without the intrepid people power – both stalwart regulars and promising new recruits from Rufus
The Bay View Bash is Upon Us
Sign up now to volunteer for this year’s Bay View Bash, in which Kompost Kids play the illustrious role of managing the waste stream, maximizing sustainability, and offering characteristic good humor as we pick through gooey festival trash in search of the black gold potentialities that lie within – too often untapped – every good street fair. It’s a massive feat of organization and planning, and
Green Weddings and Events
Planning a wedding, baby shower, or engagement party? Or maybe just a neighborhood barbecue or housewarming party? Worried about all the trash an outdoor event creates and yet not quite able to provide washable dishes and servingware for all your guests? Consider using compostable products and partnering with the Kompost Kids to green your event and ease your conscience. It all began with a
One Night, Two Great Films
No plans for the evening of September 9? Check out one of Milwaukee’s two great institutions for a night of environmental education and thought-provoking discussion. Hope to see you there! Urban Ecology Center – “Symphony of the Soil” Riverside Park Branch – 6 – 8 p.m. “Celebrate the International Year of Soil with us! Using a captivating mix of art and science, “Symphony of
Bay View Bash Approaches
We’d just like to put an early word out that we’ll be wrangling every last possible volunteer for this year’s Bay View Bash, in which Kompost Kids play the illustrious role of managing the waste stream, maximizing sustainability, and offering characteristic good humor as we pick through gooey festival trash in search of the black gold potentialities that lie within – too often untapped –
Residential Composting Survey: A First Look at the Data
In December 2014, Kompost Kids teamed up with local researcher Harini S. Aiyer to leverage her experience in data gathering and analysis and administer a survey about the composting behavior of the residents of Milwaukee. We used direct emailing to subscribers of newsletters (Kompost Kids and Groundwork), Facebook posts (on KK and Groundwork pages) as well as Facebook advertisements targeting people in the greater
Our New Demo Site
We are up and running at our new demonstration site located at 1980 S. Marina Drive in Bay View and would like to extend a hearty “thank you” to all our amazing volunteers who made it out for our May 24 work day and bin raising. We built a shed, assembled two sets of compost bins, constructed, laid out, and filled an array of