Event Composting – General

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Planning a wedding, baby shower, or engagement party? Or maybe just a neighborhood barbecue or housewarming party? Worried about all the trash an outdoor event creates and yet not quite able to provide washable dishes and servingware for all your guests? Consider using compostable products and partnering with the Kompost Kids to green your event and ease your conscience.

Currently, we welcome self-drops for events of different scales. Check here to see if there is a community compost site in your neighborhood. Please contact us with any questions and concerns if you are considering a self-drop at one of our sites.

We find that event composting requires some extra outreach and engagement. Help inform your guests and participants by educating them on what goes in and what stays out. If you are hosting a compostable event, you may want to make your own signs. Alternatively, you can print, laminate, and post our Kitchen Composting Guide for continued staff training and awareness.

If you are planning something more ambitious and need our help to arrange the composting or train volunteers, contact us for service options.