Restaurant Policy Update
The Kompost Kids Inc. is dedicated to creating healthy living soil for community-based agriculture projects. We are a team of volunteers committed to the education of individuals and businesses regarding the diversion of potential landfill material into the building of soil in the most environmentally conscious way. The soil we make is donated to community gardens and nonprofit groups growing their own food in an urban environment.
We offer a number of options for restaurants wishing to recycle kitchen waste.
- Kompost Kids can pick up your preconsumer (kitchen) waste. Our average rate is $10 per week. We will pick up as many as seven (7) 5-gallon buckets per week. Funds received help to cover operating expenses and expand the efforts of the Kompost Kids Inc. We will evaluate your current waste removal process and make recommendations for their improvement, including providing compost education; logo recognition on the Kompost Kids Inc. website and social media outlets; and help you to give back to the urban agriculture community in Milwaukee.
- Self-Drop restaurants have their own volunteer or staff member drop off up to four (4) buckets per week of preconsumer waste at one of our compost sites at no cost. We will provide buckets and training for a one-time fee of $50.
- A Commercial Hauler is your best option for both pre- and postconsumer landfill diversion. Kompost Kids can provide you with a referral upon request.
Please let us know how we can serve your composting needs and help your business to achieve greater sustainability in your waste disposal program. If you have any questions or would like to schedule a Kompost Kids pickup, don’t hesitate to contact us.