Home   Community Compost Basics   Riverwest Compost Bins – Closed Indefinitely

Riverwest Compost Bins – Closed Indefinitely

UPDATE October 2020: With input from the gardeners and land stewards of the Milwaukee Friends Meeting location, the Kompost Kids volunteers made the decision to close the Riverwest compost bins indefinitely. Despite being closed over the summer, folks kept adding to the pile – which made it really hard on the volunteers to safely finish off the process. Community compost bins only work when everyone follows the guidelines. 

For more information or questions, email Renee at compost_at_kompostkids_dot_com.

June, 2020

Here are ways to continue to compost:

  • Ask your neighbors with compost bins if they have room for food scraps.
  • Build a Bin – construction suggestions for the 3-bin system are here.
  • Register your home compost, or find one that is open to food scraps at Share Waste.
    • (you can unlink your own site to new contributors at any time)
    • This includes your rolling collection bin!
  • Biocycle: http://www.findacomposter.com/
    • 06/2020 – currently under construction, but check back regularly

Pay for Service:

Lager Residential Pickup with a Rolling Bin:

Small Bucket Exchange Pickup Programs:

*NOTE – any links to commercial entities are not affiliated sources, just the best suggestions we have right now. Please contact them directly. If you have other suggestions for links to add, please email: contact_at_kompostkids.com and we’ll try to get them added when we can. We have our hands busy right now trying to find a new location.

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