Bay View Kompost Site Help!
As of March 15th, 2020, the Bay View Kompost site is closed and we cannot accept any of your food scraps (or anything else) until we find a new home.
We hope our community is staying well and finding some outdoor earth-loving time in this uncertainty. We are also craving some normalcy for when we can emerge together — so acknowledge how strange this timing is, but we have a request for you. We’re still urgently looking for a new home, and we’ll also need help with the move once #SaferAtHome restrictions are lifted and we can gather healthfully.
Please fill out this survey to help to find a new location, move from the old one, and take home the compost we made together!
EDIT/NOTE: Given COVID-19 and #SaferAtHome restrictions, ALL IN-PERSON volunteer activities are suspended until further notice. Follow our updates here on the website, on Facebook, and Instagram to stay in touch.
Kompost Kids prides ourselves on loving unlovable spaces, and building community out of soil, worms, and people. These locations can either be a garden based community site or larger demonstration site.
Click here for a video of what we’re looking for!
While we won’t gather in person, we’ll still take your online help! Fill out the survey and share the video!
We don’t want to leave you hanging – here are ways to continue to compost:
- Ask your neighbors with compost bins if they have room for food scraps.
- Build a Bin – construction suggestions for the 3-bin system are here.
- Register your home compost, or find one that is open to food scraps at Share Waste.
- (you can unlink your own site to new contributors at any time)
- Biocycle:
- 03/2020 – currently under construction, but check back regularly
We will update the Compost Site page on our website as we know more.