KOMPOSTER Sponsors, Support a Trash Hero Today
Are you looking for a unique sponsorship opportunity with home-grown Milwaukee non-profit organizations? Do you think about building a sustainable future by re-thinking our “waste” and “resource” streams? Since 2010, Kompost Kids has innovated street festival composting and sustainable waste management at the Bay View Bash. We’ve gone from answering questions like “what is composting?” (in 2010) to rescuing approximately one ton (~2000 pounds) of organics from the Bash yearly (since 2015). We’re looking for sponsors to support this work. Sponsorship affords innovation in sustainable waste management and supports Green Team funding.
“It’s only waste if it’s wasted” and rather than filing a landfill, KOMPOSTERS hand-sort everything thrown away (garbage, recyclables, and compostable materials) to reclaim items that don’t belong in a landfill. In 2018, >100 KOMPOSTER volunteers hand-sorted all trash (4000 lbs) collected in the one-day festival from 35,000 Bash attendees. 2000 lbs were compostables, and almost 1000 lbs were recyclables, meaning only 28% went to the landfill. Before KOMPOSTERS sorted and reclaimed material, a waste audit showed that ~75% of everything in landfill receptacles was compostable. We also reduced landfill volume from 5 dumpsters down to just over 1 dumpster.
Our biggest bottlenecks are the amount of volunteer power required to hand-sort all materials, plus the late evening hours of the Bash. Eventually we have to stop sorting materials and leave for the night, potentially leaving some of the recyclables and organics in landfill dumpsters. Because of 2018 support funding, we were able to provide stipends to 6 KOMPOSTER Green Teams from schools and sustainability organizations. Green Teams earn funds based on pounds of organics diverted from the landfill, plus a bonus if we sort through 100% of all trash from the day. The only reason we were able to sort 100% of trash (4000 lbs) is because of providing stipends to Green Teams.
The Green Sponsorship levels range from $100 for a social media shout out, to $500 for KOMPOSTER T-shirt, to $1000 for both KOMPOSTER and BASH T-shirts, to $3500 for a title sponsor. All sponsorship over $550 is wrapped into Bay View Bash Sponsorship levels. For example, a $1000 sponsorship would include your logo on the 100 KOMPOSTER Volunteers working on sustainable waste management, PLUS the T-shirts of the additional 100 Volunteers it takes to run all other aspects of the Bay View Bash. See flyer for all sponsorship information.
- $100 – Social Media Shout Out
- $250 – Sustainability Signage
- $500 – Komposter T-Shirt
- $550 ++ – Benefits include typical Bay View Bash sponsorship package
- $1000 – BOTH Komposter and Bash Volunteer T-shirts
- $1500 – Children’s Area Sponsor
- $2500 – H2O Sponsor
- $3500 – Exclusive Title Sponsor
Kompost Kids is kicking in our own money to support KOMPOSTER Green Team funding, and your support will help us get even farther. We believe we can perfect this model of volunteer power and sponsorship that any street festival could replicate, and we are thankful to our partners in sustainable innovations. Come join us.
Sponsorship still available, due Sunday, September 1. For More Information Contact Marion: marion.e_at_kompostkids.com
The Bay View Bash festival raises funds that are directly invested back into the city’s neighborhoods through grants. Kompost Kids Inc. makes compost for the community and educates the public about the benefits of composting. Both are all-volunteer non-profit organizations.