Our New Demo Site
We are up and running at our new demonstration site located at 1980 S. Marina Drive in Bay View and would like to extend a hearty “thank you” to all our amazing volunteers who made it out for our May 24 work day and bin raising.
We built a shed, assembled two sets of compost bins, constructed, laid out, and filled an array of raised beds now growing vegetables and flowers, and in general, got the site tidied up and ready for the regular business of making local dirt.
Our skilled and dedicated troop of volunteers forms the core of our organization, and it’s always gratifying to step back and see what can be accomplished when a group of unpaid but motivated people step up to get a project off the ground with few conventional resources.
Our new demonstration site represents a significant upgrade for the Kompost Kids. A formal lease and longer tenancy establishes a home site for us that we can invest in more properly, with new projects, fresh opportunities to experiment with a variety of composting methods, and room to grow our operations. Much remains to be done, but as the pictures will attest, we have already transformed this vacant urban lot into a functioning composting facility and learning center. Further projects include developing a special bin construction for event composting, designing an outdoor classroom and rain catchment system, building out a bike-powered trommel screen, and constructing a bucket corral.
Our next big work day/barbecue will take place at noon on August 8. We plan to work for a few hours, catch up with our volunteer base ahead of the September 19 Bay View Bash, and cook up some good food to share. Bring work gloves. Hope to see you there!